Stop! You're Using Vitamin C Serum Wrong: 5 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Think you're reaping the benefits of Vitamin C serum? Think again. Most people unknowingly make critical mistakes that render their serum ineffective. Here's how to avoid those pitfalls and truly harness the power of Shemade's Vitamin C Serum.

Applying in the Wrong Order: Are You Sabotaging Your Skincare Routine?

Using the Wrong Concentration: Why Your Vitamin C Serum Might Be Useless

Not all Vitamin C serums are created equal. Too high a concentration can irritate sensitive skin, while too low won’t give you the desired glow. Shemade’s serum strikes the perfect balance, providing just the right concentration to brighten your complexion without causing irritation.

Not Pairing It with Sunscreen: Are You Making Your Skin More Vulnerable to Damage?

Using Shemade’s Vitamin C Serum without following up with sunscreen is like building a sandcastle at high tide. Vitamin C enhances your skin’s defense against UV rays, but without sunscreen, you’re leaving your skin vulnerable to damage. Always finish your routine with an SPF 40 moisturizer to shield against harsh UV rays.

Storing It Incorrectly: Is Your Serum Already Expired?

Your serum’s potency depends heavily on how you store it. Keep Shemade’s Vitamin C Serum in a cool, dark place, tightly sealed. Exposure to light and air can degrade the Vitamin C, turning your potent potion into a useless liquid. Watch for signs of oxidation, like a change in color or smell.

Overusing or Underusing: Too Much or Too Little—Are You Getting It Right?

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